International Conference “Risk in Contemporary Economy” (RCE 2023)

Ultima actualizare: 29.12.2022 - 19:44
Rec 2

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration from “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati launches the invitation to submit research papers for presentation and discussion at the XXIII edition of the International Conference „Risk in Contemporary Economy” (RCE 2023)

The conference will take place in the period 21-22 April 2023 and will be hosted by Faculty of Economics and Business Administration from “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati.


Full paper submission deadline: March 20, 2023

Notification of full paper acceptance/rejection: March 30, 2023 SUBMISSION PROCESS:

Papers should be sent electronically to the Conference Organizing Committee (e-mail:

Accepted papers will pe published in Conference Proceedings. Authors registered to the conference should pay the conference fee: 300 RON (equivalent 60 EUR) – for academic staff or 150 RON (equivalent 30 EUR) – for PhD Students. The payment will be made on behalf of: PROECONOMICA ASSOCIATION           Galati,          CEC        Bank,                                          IBAN                Code: RO65CECEGL1030RON0671691

Conference Proceedings (print ISSN 2067-0532, online ISSN 2344- 5386) are indexed in: DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journal, Sweden; RePEC Database – Research Paper in Economics, USA; EconPapers – Swedish Business School, Orebro University, Sweden; WorldCat – The World’s Largest Library Catalog; OALib – Open Access Library; OAJSE – Open Access Journals Search Engine; Stanford University Libraries, USA.

The papers selected by the Scientific Committee for their sound scientific content could be published in Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle I – Economics and Applied, a peer-reviewed journal indexed in multiple international databases: ERIH+, EconLit, REPEC, DOAJ, EBSCO, ULRICH, ECONIS, Cambridge Scientific Abstract, Cabell’s Directory.

Three reputable Keynote Speakers from UK, France and Romania will attend this edition of RCE International Conference:

  1. Yogesh DWIVEDI, School of Management, Swansea University, United Kingdom
  2. Constantin BRĂTIANU, Emeritus Professor, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
  3. Vincent DUTOT, EM Normandie Business School, Paris, France

We are looking forward to seeing you online  at the International

Conference „Risk in Contemporary Economy” (RCE 2023).

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